MOGAN Energy has embraced principles based on our policies regarding Human Resources, Human Rights, Environmental Health and Safety, Quality, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption, Ethical Principles, Harassment, Violence, and Discrimination Prevention. In accordance with these principles:
We consider sustainability in our operations, taking into account its environmental, social, and economic dimensions.
We prioritize the development and dissemination of eco-friendly technologies. We aim to minimize the environmental impact of our activities by assessing environmental risks and planning all appropriate reduction measures.
We create a working environment that respects human rights and ensure that no inappropriate practices directly or indirectly violate human rights. We establish and develop the necessary methods to prevent such violations.
We strive to provide equal opportunities to our employees and job applicants, without discrimination based on religion, language, race, age, color, nationality, ethnic origin, gender identity or expression, political views, or any other characteristic. As emphasized in our Ethical Principles, Human Resources, and Human Rights Policies, we do not tolerate discrimination among our employees under any circumstances.
In accordance with the principle of not employing child labor as outlined in the International Labour Organization’s Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, we do not employ child labor within the company.
We expect all our suppliers to comply with our policy principles and other relevant regulations. We are cautious about working with individuals and organizations that do not align with our policy.
We expect our suppliers to show respect for human rights and the environment in their business operations.
We ensure a safe working environment for our employees, free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, abuse, or violence. We do not tolerate any behavior intended to intimidate through physical, sexual, or any form of psychological harassment and violence.
We plan to implement practices that improve occupational health and safety for our employees, who are our top priority stakeholders.
We act fairly, honestly, and objectively in the selection of our suppliers, and we strive to ensure sustainability throughout the supply chain by considering the quality of products and services.
We emphasize the importance of social and economic development for the community and local stakeholders. We prioritize local employment.
We aspire to be a respectful and exemplary organization within our community and environment, continually contributing to the country’s economy by expanding our business volume.
We are firmly against all forms of bribery and corruption, as highlighted in our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy.
We continuously review all stages of our activities to enhance and improve sustainability practices.
We organize training sessions to increase employee awareness regarding the integration of the sustainability approach into the corporate culture.
We support education through investment and scholarships.
Throughout GÜRİŞ, we closely follow innovations and developments related to information security to ensure more effective management of information security.